2020 CBOM Junior Scholar Paper Competition

The POMS College of Behavioral Operations is pleased to announce the results for the Junior Scholar Paper Competition. We received 14 submissions. Based on feedback from a double-blinded review process, six were named as finalists. Each of these were then evaluated by two members of the Competition Review Team. Scores from all reviewers were averaged to determine the following final results:

First Place
Somya Singhvi (MIT)
Paper Title: Improving Farmers' Income on Online Agri-platforms: Theory and Field Implementation of a Two-Stage Auction

Rihuan Huang (Cornell)
Paper Title: Managing Multilocation Demand in Supply Chains: An Experimental Investigation

Honorable Mention
Vivek Choudhary (INSEAD)
Paper Title: Nudging Drivers to Safety: Evidence from a Field Experiment

Bing Bai (Washington U)
Behrooz Pourghannad (U Minnesota)
Wichinpong "Park" Sinchaisri (U Pennsylvania)

We would like to thank the reviewers who made this competition possible.
Anna Saez de Tejada Cuenca (Georgetown U)
Anyan Qi (UT Dallas)
Dorothee Honhon (UT Dallas)
Enno Siemsen (U Wisconsin)
Javad Nasiry (McGill U)
Jelle de Vries (Erasmus U)
Jordan Tong (U Wisconsin)
Karen Zheng (MIT)
Leon Valdes (U Pittsburgh)
Ruth Beer (Indiana U)
Santiago Kraiselburd (INCAE)
Sebastian Villa (U los Andes)
Tom Tan (SMU)
Zeynep Aksin (Koc U)

The CBOM Junior Scholar Competition Review Team
Blair Flicker (U South Carolina)
Nikolay Osadchiy (Emory U)
Shan Li (CUNY)
Eirini Spiliotopoulou (Tilburg U)

Event Date Range

January 01, 2020 - February 18, 2020
poms wave