College of Sustainable Operations Student Paper Award 2023

The POMS College of Sustainable Operations would like to announce the results of the 2023 Student Paper Competition. We received 24 excellent applications this year. Of them, exactly half were analytical, and the other half were empirical. After two rounds of evaluations and two sessions at the POMS conference, the results of the competition are as follows:

"A Data-driven Approach to Improve Artisans' Productivity"
Benjamin Liu, Divya Singhvi, Somya Singhvi, Xinyu Zhang

"Business Model Choice under Right to Repair: Economic and Environmental Consequences"
Ece Gulserliler, Atalay Atasu, Luk N. Van Wassenhove

"Allocation of Funds in Bilevel Subsidy Welfare Programs"
Wei Wei, Priyank Arora, Senay Solak

"The Impact of Climate Change: An Empirical Analysis of Smart Thermostat Data"
Michael Blair, Saed Alizamir, Shouqiang Wang

"Quality Costs of Fuel Efficiency Improvements in the Automobile Industry"
Donggyu Jeon, George P. Ball, Gilvan C. Souza

"Playing Fair? Environmental Impacts and Practices of Facilities in Minority Communities"
Abhinav Shubham, Ravi Subramanian

Congratulations to all the awardees and finalists, and our biggest gratitude to Can Zhang (Duke) and Anna Sáez de Tejada (IESE) who coordinated the evaluation process, and the 24 judges who evaluated the papers!

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