2020 Best Student Paper Competition

The POMS College of Sustainable Operations would like to announce the results for the Student Paper Competition. We received 22 high-quality paper submissions this year. Each (anonymized) submission was reviewed by two independent scholars, selected based on their expertise in the subject and methodology. Based on the feedback, the top five submissions were sent out to ten reviewers who ranked the papers. The evaluation process for the Student Paper Competition was coordinated by Vishal Agrawal (Georgetown) and Suvrat Dhanorkar (Penn State).

Winner: Somya Singhvi
Operations Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Paper Title: The impact of unifying agricultural wholesale markets on prices and farmers' profitability

Runner-up: Lina Wang
Supply Chain Management Department, W. P. Carey School of Business Arizona State University
Paper Title: Scalability in Platforms for Local Groceries: An Examination of Indirect Network Economies

Honorable Mention: Zulqarnain Haider
Industrial and Management Systems Engineering Department, University of South Florida
Paper Title: Optimizing the Relocation Operations of Free-Floating Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems

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