Mission Statement
The Revenue Management and Market Analytics (RM/MA) Department welcomes research that uses operations research, machine learning, data-driven, econometrics, behavioral, and analytics tools to study business decision problems, especially those (though not limited to) that concern managing demand in the presence of limited supply. The scope of the department spans traditional areas of pricing and capacity management, such as transportation and hospitality, and emerging applications in retail, healthcare, web advertising, social network, sharing economy, online platforms, etc. Recent developments in the field have also considered other control variables and/or features besides pricing and capacity management such as product assortment, display ranking, information structure, data privacy, optimal matching, algorithmic bias and transparency, and fairness.


Submitted papers are expected to disseminate innovative research that pushes the boundary of existing body of knowledge in the literature. They can be (but are not limited to) (i) novel applications of revenue management ideas and/or techniques in traditional or emerging application domains, (ii) economic models that yield important managerial insights, (iii) methodological contribution to the existing or new problems, and (iv) behavioral and/or empirical studies that validate existing theory and/or examine market phenomena. Due to the complexity and interdependency of many real-world business decision problems, we also encourage submissions that explore the interplay between revenue management and other related areas such as manufacturing, service operations, supply chain management, and marketing, to mention a few.


Above all, papers need to be well written, make a significant contribution to the POM field, be methodologically sound, and be of practical relevance.


Departmental Editor


Professor Stefanus Jasin University of Michigan, Ann ArborProfessor Stefanus Jasin
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor







Senior Editors

Aydin Alptekinoglu, Pennsylvania State University
Boxiao (Beryl) Chen, University of Illinois Chicago

Ruomeng Cui, Emory University
Yao Cui, Cornell University
Arnoud V. den Boer, University of Amsterdam
Jacob Feldman, Washington University in St. Louis
Negin (Nicki) Golrezaei, MIT Sloan
Sumit Kunnumkal, Indian School of Business
Velibor Misic, University of California, Los Angeles
Selva Nadarajah, University of Illinois Chicago
Robert L. Phillips, Nomis Solutions
Paat Rusmevichientong, University of Southern California
Cong Shi, University of Michigan
Huseyin Topaloglu, Cornell University
Joline Uichanco, University of Michigan
Ruxian Wang, Johns Hopkins University
Zizhuo Wang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Dan Zhang, University of Colorado Boulder
Huanan Zhang, University of Colorado Boulder

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