Mini-Conference at the POMS Annual Meeting in Chicago, 2012

The POMS College of Behavior in Operations Management hosted a half-day mini-conference. It included talks from a number of well-known behavioral researchers such as George Wu (University of Chicago), Meg Meloy (Penn State University), Ken Schultz (Airforce Institute of Technology), and Steve Leider (University of Michigan).

Mini conference organizers and speakers.

Mini-Conference of the POMS College of Behavior in Operations Management 2012

The POMS College of Behavior in Operations Management is pleased to announce a half-day mini-conference in Chicago, IL, on Thursday, April 19, 2012, the day before the POMS annual meeting:

Mini-Conference of the POMS College of Behavior in Operations Management
Thursday, April 19, 2012. Time: 1:00 p.m. â€" 7:00 p.m., followed by a conference dinner.

Behavioral Operations Management research is interdisciplinary in nature, and often draws from neighboring fields such as Consumer Behavior, Organizational Behavior, Psychology, Decision Theory, or Experimental Economics. We are working on an exciting program that includes a number of academics from the above mentioned areas who will provide overviews on the state-of-the art and anticipated trends in their fields, and discuss their perspectives on the Behavioral Operations Management research agenda. Confirmed speakers include:

Behavioral Sciences: George Wu (University of Chicago)
Consumer Behavior: Meg Meloy (Penn State University)
Experimental Economics: Stephen G. Leider (University of Michigan)
Organizational Behavior: TBA
The purpose of the mini-conference is to provide outside perspectives on, and input for, our growing field. The meeting is NOT meant to be a smaller-scale equivalent to the Behavioral Track at the main conference (organized this time by Yaozhong Wu, SMU, and Feryal Erhun, Stanford). The board of the College invites your feedback, questions, and suggestions. Do not hesitate to contact us and get involved!

Registration fees for the mini-conference (including dinner) are $70 for College members, $100 for non-members, and $30 for students. You can now register online through the POMS website. Further program details will follow very shortly. We look forward to meeting you in Chicago!

poms wave