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Submit your papers for consideration by the Production and Operations Management (POM) Journal to an appropriate Department Editor at the journal's Manuscript Central site. Use the following link: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/poms. You can find the list of Department Editors at: https://poms.org/pomjournal.


We follow a double-blind review process, and therefore please remove your name and any acknowledgment from the manuscript before submitting it.



The page limit for both original and revised manuscripts, including the abstract, tables, figures, appendices, and references, which you intend to include in the main manuscript, is 32 pages, 1.5 spaced in a size 11 font, and it should have one-inch margins on all four sides of the page. Note that this page limit also applies to all the revised manuscripts during each revision. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered. In addition, some proofs, lemmas, supporting tables/figures, or any additional material, may be included in an e-companion. If a figure or table is part of the e-companion, clearly specify that it is part of the e-companion while referring to it in the main text. Please move the e-companion to a separate file and submit it as the “E-Companion” File Designation in the submission system. Also, the e-companion portion should be titled clearly as the “E-Companion” (in both the file name and the document heading). There is no page limit for the e-companion (if the manuscript is accepted, the e-companion will be published only online as a Supplementary Material). A page limit is imposed because papers should focus on their main contribution, and short papers are more likely to be read and cited.



The first page of the manuscript should include the title of the paper and an abstract of a maximum of 350 words. The title should be concise and descriptive, not exceeding 25 words. The abstract is a mini-paper, and it should summarize the important contents of the paper. It is not a roadmap of the paper, and it should not contain formulas, references, or abbreviations. Please list at least one and up to six keywords at the end of the abstract.


Cite references in the text by enclosing the authors' names and the year of publication in parentheses. List references alphabetically in a reference section at the end of the paper in the following style:


Hayes, R. H., G. P. Pisano. 1996. Manufacturing strategy: At the intersection of two paradigm shifts. Production and Operations Management, 5 (1), 25-41.


The manuscript can be prepared using any software. However, if you are using LaTeX, we recommend using the POM Journal LaTeX template. The template files are provided in a zip file that can be found here: POM LaTeX Template.


Submission of a paper to Production and Operations Management for review means that the author(s) certifies that:


  1. The manuscript, or any similar version of it, has not been copyrighted, published, or accepted by another journal, nor is it currently under review by another journal; and will not be submitted to another publication entity during the POM review.
  2. The results of the manuscript are substantially new and do not include significant repetition of results given in other submitted or published papers either by the authors or other scholars, to the best of the author's knowledge.
  3. The research procedures, data, and/or analyses contained in the manuscript have not been fabricated or falsified.
  4. The manuscript includes appropriate citations for the reproduction of the original words or expressions of ideas, whether these words/expressions, figures, and tables are from someone else or the author(s)' prior work (i.e., the manuscript contains no plagiarism, including self-plagiarism).
  5. The following items are included in the cover letter to the Department Editor:
    1. Data disclosure and related work: An outline of all previous works written by the author(s) that are closely related to the submitted manuscript, including papers employing the same data, subsets of data, and/or same project, along with a clear explanation of the manuscript's contribution relative to this prior work.
    2. Disclosure of whether any prior version of the manuscript has been previously rejected by any POM Department. Note that we do not allow resubmission of a rejected paper in the same department or a different department of the journal. Also, the paper rejected in a special issue cannot be resubmitted to the regular issue (and vice-versa). This is a serious violation of our ethical policy. If the paper was rejected earlier and the decision letter explicitly allowed you to resubmit the revised version, please state this fact explicitly in your cover letter and include a justification for resubmission with the details of all the prior communications. When in doubt, you should disclose all prior submissions that may be related to this manuscript. POM Journal may withdraw your manuscript without further consideration if you fail to disclose. It may also result in sanctions.


Finally, it is highly recommended that copies of the manuscript, including prior drafts, are removed from any publicly available websites in order to support integrity of the double-blind review process.


Full details of the POM ethical guidelines can be found at http://www.poms.org/Ethics-POMS-Website-total-document.pdf. Upon submission, they will need to certify that the manuscript submission meets the POM Ethical Guidelines. Violation of the principles of ethical publishing is taken seriously and may result in sanctions.


Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors are asked to sign a copyright transfer agreement and to supply quality artwork for any figures.


POM has become an essential outlet for leading edge OM research: Click here to read the letter from POMS Fellows to Deans of Business Schools (September 1, 2012).

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